here are several types to repay the debt ona credit card. Please, choose the most convenient one to you:

  1. Provide the necessary amount of debt on your KGS account for automatic debit on the day of payment on a MONTHLY basis.
  2. Close the credit card debt /replenish overbalance yourself PRE-SCHEDULE via:

    • DemirBank's ATM: insert a credit card into the ATM and select "Payment on statement"
    • Internet Banking in the "full mode" by DemirBank
    • POS-terminals in cash areas of DemirBank‘ branches

Credit card statement for the previous month: 
  • -sent to the e-mail specified in the application on payment card
  • -generated in Internet Banking by customer himself/herself
  • -or issued by the Bank.

It is an interest-free period from time of purchase until the next payment date, used only for cashless payments.


The credit limit is KGS 5 000. In the 03.09.20xx (date of purchase*) the Customer makes a purchase in the amount of KGS 1 500 in "LC Waikiki" shop, paid by a credit card via POS-terminal. The interest accrual on the used credit limit will not be performed until 05.10.20xx (date of debts repayment) - this is a grace period.

IMPORTANT! If the card holder have withdrawed cash from a credit card via ATM or the cash area of the DemirBank , the interest accrual would be performed on actually used amount for the number of used days (according to the Bank rates). 

(*) – It can be any purchase date, but the date of payment is definitely fixed (depending on the conditions of the credit card agreement).